Easy solutions for unwanted hair – Now women do not need to shave their faces.
Generally the hair growth of human are private and pubic hair. The genital hair appear to both men and women as they grow as adults. It is an unavoidable natural process which occurs due to growth.
Problems of women
When the hair grows on arm pits and private parts, the women do not worry. But when there is unwanted hairs grow on unwanted places, it becomes a problem for women. For some women the hair will grow like beard or mustache like men. For some women, there will be more hair growth in hands and legs also. The women feel this as they destroy the feminine nature and worry for that.The women will tend to go to the beauty parlors and dermatologist to remove the hair however. In common there is no permanent solution by this to them. For some girls, There may be more hair growth than before by undergoing treatments.
What are the reasons?
- There are so many factors which cause unwanted hair. The heredity (Gene) may be a reason for this. If grandmother and mother has the unwanted hair on their faces, the daughter may also get.
- When the male hormone increase in quantity the voice, walks, habits, hair growth and sex organ growth all will have the effect of them. They may get masculine looks too.
- When there is profuse bleeding at the time of menstruation, or else the surgeries at the time of removing a tumor from the breasts, the doctors may inject male hormones. There may be hair growth because of this.
- The hormone tablets which are given to the irregular periods to the adult, usage of antibiotics often (Hair is the part of the skin), vaccinations, induce metabolic reactions that leads to hair growth.
Hormonal Problems
The male hormone Androgen is secretes in the male parts, adrenal and the female ovaries. This induces the secondary growth like voice thickening and hair growth. If there is any problem or changes in ovaries or adrenal, androgen secretes more.There are many reasons for the androgen secretion.
- The cysts that are formed in the ovaries. They may cause irregular periods, infertility, and hair growth. These cysts may be of hereditary in nature, thyroid or pituitary gland problems and diabetes.
- When the tumors come in the adrenal glands, androgen may secrete more.
- Epilepsy, stress, birth control pills may induce androgen.
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